Waking up in the morning unsure of what to dress is challenging because it expresses how we feel or what mood we are in. Wearing bright colors, For instance, can help to lift your spirits.. Available: https://apparelproductionny.com/how-clothes-choices-reflect-your-personality/
Wearing comfortable clothes reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. I can infer what others do, such as work title, hobbies, and personality, just on how they dress on that particular day. The way you dress reflects how you want the rest of the world to perceive you. On weekends and holidays, I prefer to wear pyjamas 'the looser the better' to stay warm and comfy.
How can clothes influence our identity?
Fashion is non-verbal communication in the form of precise signals and symbols (nonverbal language) that represent gender, social class, and, last but not least, age.
If you're going to a job interview, you should dress professionally or formally, with a black dress or suit and black shoes that are not revealing, tight garments, cleavage, or too much skin showing.
By wearing clothes that we feel comfortable about it that makes us feel confident about ourselves as well... stated by B. Hoffmam(para:1, line 1-4). Available: https://artsandculture.google.com/story/fashion-and-identity-museo-del-objeto-del-objeto/DQVR24yDVl1EIg?hl=en
Jaden Smith was photographed wearing women's apparel in Vogue Korea magazine, and many people judged him some onlookers were shocked. But, to a free country, everyone has the right to wear anything they please.
Fashion is more akin to creative expression.